“Forever Chemicals” Contaminate Our Wildlife

"Forever Chemicals" Contaminate Our Wildlife

1 March 2023 – A new study has found that worldwide so-called “forever chemicals” are present in over 330 species of wildlife, including polar bears, monkeys, birds and fish. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS are man-made chemicals which won’t break down over time, like other substances. That’s why they gained the nickname “forever chemicals”. … Read more

Scotland To Ban Sale Of Peat To Mitigate Climate Crisis

Scotland To Ban Sale Of Peat To Mitigate Climate Crisis

22 February 2023 – The Scottish Government has launched a consultation about banning the sale of peat as part of its climate change plan. In an effort to protect and restore Scottish peatlands, the Scottish Government is contemplating banning the sale of peat. It has launched a consultation to get the views of those using … Read more

Could Climate Change Be The End Of The British Apple?

Could Climate Change Be The End Of The British Apple?

15 February 2023 – Experts have warned that climate change could spell the end of the british apple as it might be no longer viable to grow them in future. Old british apple varieties, such as pippin or nonpareil, have been grown in the UK since the 1500s. They are beloved by apple lovers up … Read more

Could PureCycle Have The Answer To Our Plastic Problem?

Could PureCycle Have The Answer To Our Plastic Problem?

8 February 2023 – Recycling plastic can be difficult and expensive. And it’s not possible to recycle plastic endlessly. But PureCycle has developed a way to change this. Plastic is everywhere. And while it’s very useful, it also causes a lot of harm in the form of plastic pollution. While most plastics can be recycled, … Read more

Government Response To Plastic Waste Report

Government Response To Plastic Waste Report

1 February 2023 – In November 2022, the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee published the recommendation for their plastic waste report. Now the Government has published its response. The House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has looked into how the UK should deal with the plastic waste it … Read more

Could This Be The Solution To Our Palm Oil Problem?

Could This Be The Solution To Our Palm Oil Problem?

25 January 2023 – Palm oil is used in food and other products, but it’s bad for our environment. Now a US-based company has come up with an eco-friendly alternative to replace it. Pam oil is in everything from food to cosmetics and personal care products, because it is so useful. It has no smell, … Read more

Cumbria Coal Mine Challenged In Court

Cumbria Coal Mine Challenged In Court

18 January 2023 – Two legal challenges have been mounted by environmental groups over the Government’s decision to approve the Cumbria coal mine. In December 2022, Michael Gove, the Levelling Up Secretary, approved the construction of the new coal mine, which would be the first one built in the UK for 30 years. With his … Read more

Single-Use Plastic To Be Banned In England

Single-Use Plastic To Be Banned In England

11 January 2023 – Thérèse Coffey, the Environment Secretary, has confirmed that the UK Government is set to ban single-use plastic in England. The UK Government has confirmed plans to ban single-use plastic in England. The planned ban follows a consultation on this topic by the Deparment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), which … Read more

Microplastics Are So Widespread They Are Even In Our Bodies

Microplastics Are So Widespread They Are Even In Our Bodies

5 January 2023 – We know that plastic pollution is a big problem, but many people probably don’t know that microplastics have even found their way into our bodies. Plastic floating in our oceans, lying on our beaches, drifting in our rivers and streams, being thrown at the sides of our roads, finding its way … Read more